Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weekend fun

There are some weekends that are just perfect. This last weekend was close to it. We had one nice sunny day that included a bike ride to the library to check out new books. This included a hilarious look at me remembering how to ride a bike and work the bike lock (picture me outside the library yelling at a lock and key while my kid waits patiently for new books). Then ended with some garden weeding and spreading yards of bark that my husband picked up for an area around the swing set - all while baby wearing. Ok, so I could have done it a little better and faster without the baby but it was fun to have us all hanging out in the back yard together. We then played on the swings and went to dinner - starving after a long day in the sun.

Unfortunately the next day - not so sunny. But we still had a great play date with a friend in the basement playroom, covered a pinecone that we hauled back from my parents place in CA (the biggest we had ever seen) with peanut butter and bird seeds to hang in the tree... eventually (when the rain stops) and then headed to the pool for some afternoon swim time. My older dd and I love going to the pool and try to do it quite often but a few months back I had actually won a facebook contest to be one of the first people to "fan" wander the gator - the Portland Parks and Rec pool mascot. This got me two free passes into the pool and thus a cheap date with my daughter. I'm slowly learning that there are a lot of free $$ out there on the social media sites if you are willing to share your information. After finally convincing her to go down the water slide with me (ask me about my bloody nose injury from this some day) I could barely haul her away from the place to go home and get dinner.

Perfection! Nothing short of great memories for very little money!


  1. Just saw you on the Diapershops newsletter and saw your from Portland! I'm in Vancouver and am also a cloth diapering 'mostly' crunchy mom! Nice to see another one here! I have a 5 year old and a 16 month old.
    Happy Spring!

  2. Thanks Candace. I almost felt like the profile should have been on my husband but it sure was fun answering all their questions and seeing how far I had come in cloth diapering. Hope you'll follow here and offer your own tips!
