This may be the first of many posts on cloth diapering but I couldn't do this blog without talking about how much MORE we get out of cloth diapering and how much LESS this is costing us than disposables.
First, let me say that we did not cloth with our older - but - had I know how simple and wonderful it is I certainly would have. For what seems like less than $500 we have diapered our 4 month old since birth and don't plan to spend more than a few hundred more to make it to potty training. This doesn't even take into account how much less garbage we are using (of course we do 3-4 extra very small loads of laundry a week in a very efficient front loader).
One would think this requires a great deal of time and a hearty stomach right? I'm here to tell you that it is so so very simple. If you are thinking about it I highly recommend you take a look at the cloth diaper whisperer (they giveaway a lot of things on their blog too). You basically by a diaper and cover, a diaper sewn into a cover, or a diaper that you stuff into a cover (ok this is maybe oversimplified but you'll get the picture if you read up). You use and wash and if you breastfeed like we do you won't even need to rinse (though we also have a diaper sprayer attached to our toilet too for future use). No more swishing, no more dirty hands, just use, wash, fold, and use again.
Maybe I'm leaving out some tiny details, but I'm telling you it is just this simple. Not to mention how incredibly cute she is in her fluffy bottom (see the picture) and we have had next to nothing for diaper rash or leaks - something we had way too much trouble with on our older in sposies. So if you have little ones in diapers jump in and give cloth a try. The are remarkably addicting and oh you can find lots of used fluff on craigslist and lots of mommy made fluff on ebay and etsy. If you have more questions about cloth feel free to ask!
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