Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is a CSA right for you?

I came across this post today:

Healthy Living for as Little as $20 a Week

Even though it is a year old, I thought it had a great list of questions to help you determine if a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food box is right for you. I posted earlier about this being something I did a few years back and it got me on the gardening band wagon, but, it certainly was something that I had to work at once I got the food. I do think that sharing with a friend or a neighbor is the absolute BEST way to dip your toes in the water as you can either both share in the learning process or each take a bigger share of what the other doesn't like or want that week. I also think if you do more research on freezing, preserving, and using what you have you can really make the best use of your CSA box.

Don't stop here though. If the CSA sounds like too much for you try these other options: Regular trips to the farmers market for specific items, local produce at your neighborhood grocery or food co-op like this one; home delivery of organic produce from a larger food mile area than just one farm like Organics-To-You (check out their baby food box) ; or even specific groceries delivered to your door step from folks like Spud Organic Grocery Delivery. There are plenty of buyers clubs out there - we get our meat from Abundant Life Farms or there is dairy and meat from Norris Dairy. My guess is there are many many more options around your neighborhood that I know nothing about. Please let me know what they are - I still need to figure out what my family wants to do next too :)

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